CBS News and Events


Nature's Backbone at Risk

The most comprehensive assessment of the world’s vertebrates confirms an extinction crisis with one-fifth of species threatened. “What is needed going forward is a stronger commitment to the…

Call to Reshape University Curricula

Universities worldwide are undergoing structural transformation, but reform of curricula is also key to their renewal.

In Memoriam - David L. Hull (1935-2010)

​​​​​​​Dr. David Hull, a friend and colleague to many in the Center for Biology and Society, passed away in August after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer. He passed away at home, among…

Funding Graduate Research in the Center for Biology & Society

Graduate dissertation projects, thoroughly researched and meticulously carried out, generally require funding beyond what is normally provided to support the average graduate student. To procure the…

Congratulations Scholarship Winners: Katie Dreeland and Anne Clay

Katie Dreeland and Anne Clay were selected out of over 5300 applications for the U.S. Dept of State 2010 Critical Language Scholarships. This award will allow Katie to study Arabic in Cairo and Anne…

Les Landrum: Protecting Nature's Library

ASU's Leslie Landrum documents and catalogues the diversity of plants that exist in Arizona.

Digital HPS Summit

The Digital HPS Initiative Summit on February 26-27, 2010 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA was organized by ASU’s Center for Biology and Society and funded by the National…

"Of Locusts & Scientists"

Manfred Laubichler has a new review on a theatric production embracing science as art published in Science Magazine...

"Rethinking our Writing, Rewriting our Thinking"

"Rethinking our Writing, Rewriting our Thinking" is a free workshop series designed to help ASU staff, facultly and grads transition from their academic writing to writing for the public. Our own Dr…

Mark Ulett’s Experience at Biology by the Sea

It is sometimes easy for graduate students to get stuck in their own work. We become isolated from the community at large, lost in the vastness of our own projects. For this reason, it is important…

Biology by the Sea at UCSD

Biology by the Sea is a graduate student and faculty workshop in Biology Studies is part of a continuing effort to build a community of scholars in the history and philosophy of life sciences in the…

The 2009 Presidents Professor: Andrew Smith

Congratulations the Presidents Professor 2009: Andrew Smith! The Presidents Professor Award recognizes tenured faculty who have made outstanding contributions to undergraduate education at Arizona…

A Symposium in Honor of Professor Rainger

On Monday, January 11, 2010, a daylong symposium will convene at Texas Tech University to honor Professor Ronald Rainger for his distinguished scholarly career and his service to the history of…

Manfred Laubichler: Newly Elected Fellow of AAAS

Congratulations Manfred Laubichler! The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has just named Manfred Laubichler as a Fellow. Dr. Laubichler is recognized for his work in the…

AAAS National Meeting February 2010

The Center for Biology and Society is excited to once again be sending a set of outstanding students to the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences National Meeting. This is the largest…

Janet Browne Visits ASU

By the time of his death Charles Darwin was one of the most celebrated –and one of the most notorious—scientists in the world. Today he is still controversial, and has become an icon of modern…

Jane Maienschein Speaks at TEDxPhoenix

Dr. Jane Maienschein speaks to TEDxPhoenix on the topic "Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and Us"