Undergraduate degrees and certificates
Inspiring our students
Pathways and opportunities
Undergraduates with an interest in Biology and Society can pursue a number of academic pathways administered by the School of Life Sciences, as well as pursue special projects through the Center for Biology and Society.

B.S. in Biological Science, Concentration in Biology and Society
In the biology and society concentration, you'll gain excellent foundations in the biological and related sciences, as well as unique historical, philosophical, political, and ethical perspectives. Biology and Society majors go on to research careers through professional and graduate education and internships in many different fields.
Accelerated Bachelor of Science/Master of Science (BS/MS)
If you want to earn your bachelor’s and master’s degrees within a five-year period, we offer an accelerated BS/MS program that typically builds on and extends your undergraduate research. As an undergraduate student, you are encouraged to apply for the accelerated BS/MS program after completing 75 hours of your bachelor’s degree.
Undergraduate History and Philosophy of Science Certificate
The History and Philosophy of Science Certificate is designed to give students an understanding of both traditional philosophic issues surrounding science and the historical development of concrete scientific theories and ideas. Philosophical questions about how we understand nature through science are enriched when they are considered in a historical context.