CBS News and Events
Bio and Society PhD student earns national research recognition award
Carly Busch has been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and recently was awarded a “Research Recognition Award” from the American Physiological Society…PhD student earns 1st place in poster competition at AAAS and a first-author publication in the same semester
Erika Nadile is a 2nd-year Biology and Society PhD student in Sara Brownell’s Biology Education Research…
Alumnus, Deryc T. Painter, Explores Implications for Social Interactions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Now an Assistant Research Professor in the new School of Complex Adaptive Systems, Deryc T. Painter, in collaboration with fellow ASU faculty members Shade T. Shutters and Elizabeth Wentz, uncovered…New Policy Memo on Recycling in Arizona
In September 2020, three Biology and Society graduate students, working with two other ASU graduate students, published a memo addressing how to reinvigorate recycling in Arizona through state-level…Student Spotlight: Logan Gin
Biology and Society Ph.D. candidate Logan Gin has decided to tackle a challenge that has been largely understudied: how we can support students with disabilities in undergraduate science.
PhD Candidate Paige Madison Embraces Science Communication and Outreach Amidst the Pandemic
During a seemingly uncertain year with the spread of COVID cases around the world, PhD Candidate at the Center for Biology and Society Paige Madison has been making the best of 2020 by turning her…Welcome New Biology and Society PhD Students!
The Center for Biology and Society is delighted to welcome a new group of PhD graduate students to the 2020 academic year. Read about their research interests, backgrounds, hobbies, and much more…