CBS News and Events


Former Embryo Project Scholar may have “straightened out the stem-cell field”

Philosopher of science, Lucie Laplane, has published her dissertation with Harvard University Press. The text, Cancer Stem Cells: Philosophy and Therapies, is grounded in philosophy, history, and…

ASU Digital Innovation Group Goes International

DigInG has grown! As of June, 2016, the Digital Innovation Group at ASU has merged with software development activities within Department I of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (…

Faculty Spotlight: Ben Hurlbut

Dr. Ben Hurlbut has been very busy this past spring and summer! He was recently appointed to the National Academies Committee on Integrating Education in the Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Engineering…

Graduate Funding

Recently, Aireona B. Raschke, a PhD candidate from the Center for Biology and Society (4E track) put together a workshop for graduate students about sources of research funding with the help of …

Annual History of Biology Seminar Tackles the Question: Why Marine Studies?

Historians, philosophers, and scientists gathered from May 18 to 25 at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA, to tackle the big question of: Why Marine Studies? Lecturers and…

Paige Madison Studies Sensational Fossils

Paige Madison is a PhD candidate studying the history of paleoanthropology at the Center for Biology and Society. This summer, Madison is writing about her exciting research on the history of hominin…

Phoenix Comicon 2016

The Center for Biology and Society was well represented at Phoenix Comicon. Five people participated in the panels, each presenting multiple times. Erica O'Neil, Theora Tiffney, and CBS professor Dr…

Alumni Spotlight: Chelsea Russ

The Center for Biology and Society recently caught up with Chelsea Russ, a 2010 BS in Biology with a concentration in Biology and Society who is currently a Healthcare Analyst with the Health…

The MBL History Project Opens for its 4th Year

A team of ASU graduate researchers, led by CBS Director and University Professor Jane Maienschein and Project Coordinator Kate MacCord have opened their summer season at the Marine Biological…

Spring 2016 Biology & Society Defenses

Congratulations to all the Biology & Society students who defended their research in the Spring of 2016!

Liz Barnes, CBS PhD Student is Making Her Mark

Biology and Society graduate student Liz Barnes is making her mark in evolution education research.  Just having finished her second year in the Ph.D. program in Biology and Society, Liz is making…

Fire is in the News, and so is Dr. Pyne

With the number of wildfires in the news recently, Dr. Steve Pyne has been busy sharing his expertise.

HPS and the Future of Collaborative Work within the Life Sciences

Between April 21st and April 24th, philosophers and historians of science gathered at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, to discuss scholarship at the intersection of the…

Alumni Spotlight: Marci Baranski

The Center for Biology and Society recently caught up with Marci Baranski, a 2015 PhD (4E Track) who is currently a Climate Change Specialist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Erica O’Neil and Kate MacCord learn to be Digital Humanists

History of medicine and the digital age collide! On April 11-13, CBS PhD candidate Erica O’Neil and Project Coordinator Kate MacCord participated in the “Images and Texts in Medical History” …

Between Conservation and Ecotourism: Marielle Abalo advances her Research in Germany

Marielle Abalo, a first-year Biology and Society PhD student, recently took advantage of a CBS funded conference trip to advance her research. As part of the 4E (Ecology, Economics, and Ethics of the…

Kelle Dhein receives Ford Foundation Fellowship

Kelle Dhein, a first year PhD student in the Biology…