CBS News and Events


MBL Director Gitlin Interview Now on YouTube

Jonathan Gitlin, Director of the Bell Center, Senior Scientist, and Deputy Director of Research and Programs at the Marine Biological Laboratory, was interviewed as part of CBS's MBL History…

The Fall of the Wild? Not Really says CBS Minteer

This September marks the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, the piece of federal legislation that…

CBS PhD Candidate Steve Elliott Receives Prestigious Recognition: Spirit of Service Award

Steve is a PhD student in ASU’s Center for Biology and Society, and he’s writing his dissertation in the field of…

Politics in Your DNA--an article by Dr. Jane Maienschein published on

Dr. Jane Maineschein's article, "Poltics in Your DNA," went live this morning on

CBS BS/MS Student Rachel Gur-Arie is Interning with CSPO in D.C.!

Rachel Gur-Arie, an accelerated Master's student studying Biology and Society with an emphasis on Bioscience Ethics, Policy, and Law, is interning with the …

Minteer Cautions Against Scientific Collection of Rare Species in

Minteer explains why scientists should be careful about taking specimens of newly discovered and rediscovered species. Read at …

How the realities of biology complicate the 'personhood' movement

When biology and reproduction become political issues, we need to be sure that we understand the underlying science, argues Jane…

CBS Dr. Minteer hosts MBL Seminar: History of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation

Throughout the week, seminar leaders and participants wrestled with a series of complex questions surrounding the history, philosophy, and practice of zoo and aquarium conservation, emphasizing…

The MBL History Project has returned to Woods Hole, MA!

The MBL History Project has returned for another summer of expanding the digital archives and…

CBS Faculty Minteer Discusses Extinction in Nature

Several groups are working to bring back long-dead species, but these efforts could undo some hard-learned lessons, argues Ben Minteer. Read the article here: …

Congratulations to the CBS Students Who Received Awards This Year!!

Congratulations to the CBS Students Who Received Awards This Year! Read about their achievements below.

Graduate 2013-2014:

Christopher Dimond
NSF Graduate…

Dr. Hurlbut will be a Visiting Scholar at Harvard this Summer

Dr. Ben Hurlbut is a co-organizer and faculty participant for the Science, Technology and Society Summer School.

PhD Candidate Kate MacCord in Finland

CBS in Finland: PhD Candidate, Kate MacCord, delivers opening talk at invited symposium

PhD Candidate Kate MacCord at HSS

The HSS Poster Session: November 23, 2013

CBS PhD Candidates Baranski & Peirson at HSS

CBS PhD candidates Marci Baranski and Erick Pierson co-organized a panel at HSS titled, "Organisms in Changing Environments: Concepts and Contexts of Adaptability in 20th Century Plant Sciences."…

Center for Biology and Society at ASBH

Dr. Karin Ellison, Associate Director for the Center for Biology and Society recently presented a poster at the 2013 ASBH Annual Meeting. Her poster was entitled "Can Researchers Learn about Social…