CBS PhD Students Present at International Digital HPS Conference

Two CBS graduate students, Paige Madison and Steve Elliot recently presented at the 2014 Digital HPS Consortium Meeting, September 1st to the 3rd, in Nancy, France. The event aimed to discuss and further Digital HPS projects and methods, and was organized by members of the University of Lorraine including Olivier Bruneau, Pierre Couchet, and Scott Walter. Additionally, Henri-Poincaré Archives (University of Lorraine & CNRS) and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Lorraine helped support the meeting.

Madison and Elliot presented on how digital HPS and humanities organizations can use social media to further missions such as outreach. They also introduced their new social media handbook that details best practices for scholarly organizations to follow when they employ social media. The handbook grew from their experiences running the Embryo Project's social media platforms, such as twitter, The handbook is a digital and Open Access resource for anyone interested. Their talk was received with a number of questions and inquiries, and several digital HPS organizations are now hoping to include social media aspects to their projects.