Congratulations to Our 2016 Biology & Society Graduates!

Congratulations to all the Center students that defended their prospectus or thesis this Fall! 

PhD Defenses

Mary Drago, PhD BioS
"Promises, Expectations, and Obligations: An Examination of American Indian Health"

Advisor: Jane Maienschein

Erica O'Neil, PhD BioS
"Fetal Risk, Federal Response: How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Influenced the Adoption of Alcohol Warning Labels"

Advisor: Jane Maienschein

Valerie Racine, PhD HPS
"Beyond Reductionism and Emergence: A Study of the Epistemic Practices in Gene Expression Research"

Advisor: Jane Maienschein, Manfred Laubichler

Yawen Zou, PhD HPS

"Studying the History of Systems Biology Using a Computational Approach: From Systems to Biology, 1992-2013"

Advisor: Manfred Laubichler

Master's Defenses

Rachel Gur-Arie, MS BioS
"In support of Mandatory Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel (HCP)"

Advisor: Jane Maienschein

Tyler Hughes, MS BioS
"The Potential Emergence of Dengue in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: A Micro-climatic and Demographic Analysis"

Advisor: Charles Perrings

Tracy Shoumaker, MS Bio
"Effects of Urbanization on Bat Habitat use in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region, Arizona, USA: A Multiscale Landscape Analysis"

Advisor: Jingle Wu