Congratulations to Sean Cohmer, Mark Craft and Lijing Jiang for honorable mentions as Teaching Associates of the Year for the School of Life Sciences! The three were honored for their ability to work…
The Institute of Human Origins hosted a Panel Discussion at the grand opening exhibition showcasing Donald C. Johanson's (the Institutes Founding Director) collection of papers, photographs and…
Congratulations to Ben Minteer who has been named the recipient of the Faculty Achievement Award for Defining Edge Research in Natural Sciences and Mathematics! The Faculty Achievement Awards were…
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, or triple-A-S) yearly conference features a student poster competition. This year the annual conference was held in Boston,…
Ben Minteer is the new Maytag Proessor of SOLS. The appointment runs through June 2015. This position stems from an endowment set up at ASU by the Maytag family at the same time the family made…
The Spring 2013 Bioethics in Film Series will look at "The Brain" as it is depicted in film. Whether as an object of observation or intervention, the human brain is notoriously complex. In this…
Since 1962, The Jetsons has defined an iconic vision of the future, imagining a course of progress that blends high technology with familiar social and cultural values.
Yinong Chen and Karin…
Ben Hurlbut, PhD, is the guest speaker for the BMI Symposium Series on November 8, 2012. Ben's topic is "Bank on Trust: Precision and the Problem of Participation"
The mission of the Science and Engineering Ethics Club is to bring together diverse perspectives and spread awareness about pressing ethical issues in the sciences. We are committed to providing an…
The 2013 ASU-MBL History of Biology Seminar's theme is "History of Sustainability Science" The seminar will be held May 15-22, 2013, in Woods Hole, MA. Applications to attend are now available!
On the 16-17 of August, an international group of scientists and historians and philosophers of science gathered at the Institute for Systems Biology, in Seattle, Washington, for the 2012 off-year…
Arizona State University visiting graduate student training program is now accepting applications for its January 2013 session. We will select a cohort of visiting graduate students to join our…
The Global Classroom Experiment
“Are ‘Sustainable Cities’ a Contradiction in Terms?”
The Global Classroom is a partnership between Arizona State University and Leuphana University in Lüneburg (…
Matt Chew joins two other panelists for a live chat on July 26, 2012 at 3 pm EDT to discuss whether invasive species are misunderstood. A full transcript of the discussion is available on the…
Thanks to a grant from Digital Humanities Deutschland and the Volkswagen Foundation I was able to present a poster at the DHD Unconference that was held as part of the Digital Humanities 2012 (dh2012…
ASU undergraduates, and students from Leuphana Universtiy in Luneburg, Germany will participate in a collaborative learning experience beginning Spring 2013 to address the question: "Are '…
Bill Aird, MD, Professor of Medicine from Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and his host, Manfred Laublichler, during Dr. Aird’s seminar to interested students and…