CBS News and Events


CBS Minteer says "Extinct Species Should Stay Extinct"

Ben Minteer, Arizona Zoological Society Endowed Chair at Arizona State University and Center for Biology…

CBS Graduate Students Present at HSS

Graduate students at the Center for Biology and Society made a tremendous impact at the joint History of Science Society (HSS)/Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) meeting in Chicago, November 6-9…

The Science of Cryonics; a recent topic of the Bioethics Breakfast Club

The inaugural meeting of the Bioethics Breakfast Club was a smashing success, with faculty and graduate students from across ASU coming together to discuss topical issues in biomedical ethics.

CBS Minteer Lectures at American Museum of Natural History

Ben Minteer, Arizona Zoological Society Chair in the School of Life Sciences at ASU and Center for Biology & Society faculty…

Embryo Project @ ASU Homecoming 2014

On Saturday, November 1, 2014, members of the Embryo Project editorial team welcomed alumni, prospective students, and kids of all ages to the 2014 ASU Homecoming.

Can Zoos Save the World? Ben Minteer answers

Professor Minteer, Arizona Zoological Society Chair in the School of Life…

The Global Classroom - Goes Local!

GLOBAL CLASSROOM BLOG:  Be sure to check out the Global Classroom Blog written by the students…

CBS PhD Student Federica T. Colonna Returns from Summer of Archival Research in Europe

After finishing her first year as a doctoral student in History and Philosophy of Science, Federica  had the opportunity of researching in the archives in Europe.

CBS PhD Candidate Steve Elliot Attends Evolutionary Quantitative Workshop at NIMBioS

CBS doctoral candidate Steve Elliott spent part of his 2014 summer learning some of the tools that help yield juicier grapes, meatier hogs…

CBS MS Students Present Posters at 2014 NACCB Meeting

Andrea Noziglia and Sarah Geren presented posters at the North American Congress for Conservation Biology this summer in Missoula, Montana. The conference, organized by the Society for Conservation…

CBS PhD Students Present at International Digital HPS Conference

Two CBS graduate students, Paige Madison and Steve Elliot recently presented at the 2014 Digital HPS Consortium Meeting, September 1st to the 3rd, in Nancy, France.

Sara Brownell comments on gender gap research in science classrooms

Dr. Brownell was recently featured in an ASU News [science…

Our Uncommon Heritage - the latest title by Charles Perrings

Biodiversity change is the biggest environmental problem of our time. It leads to much more than species extinctions, affecting the food we eat, the   diseases we face, our vulnerability to fire and…

Steve Pyne is a "Scholar on Fire"

Fire seems everywhere in the news these days, and for many observers interested in the Earth System, fire - in the form of human-controlled combustion - has tipped the planet into the Anthropocene…

CBS Undergraduate Anika Larson Returns from Summer Internship at CDC!!

Anika Larson, an undergraduate Biology and Society student at ASU with a double major in Global Studies, served as an intern with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA for the…

CBS Global Classroom Students Contribute to Sustainability Research

The innovative Center for Biology and Society class, Global Classroom, contributes to the study of urban sprawl in Phoenix.

Pika population endangered? Not according to Andrew Smith

Dr. Andrew Smith, Center for Biology and Society Faculty and President's Professor knows that the pika population is a vulnerable population but not endangered.