Bioethics Breakfast Club back for the Spring Semester
From whole genome sequencing to three-person babies, this club addresses how ethics intersects with biology and medicine.
The Bioethics Breakfast Club (BBC) kicked off their Spring 2015 semester on Wednesday, February 6th, with a discussion of “What’s so wrong with whole genome sequencing?”
The BBC meets once a month to discuss a new, hot topic in bioethics.
Led by Lincoln teaching ethics postdoctoral fellow, Val Milleson, and associate director of the Center for Biology and Society, Karin Ellison, the BBC is open to all ASU faculty and graduate students.
Be sure to save the date for future meetings:
Wednesday, February 25-- Topic: Three-person babies
Wednesday, March 25-- Topic: to be determined
Wednesday, April 22-- Topic: to be determined
All meetings are held in Life Sciences-E Wing (LSE), Room 232 at 9am.
Bagels and coffee are provided by the BBC sponsor, the Center for Biology and Society.
To RSVP, or for More information:
Val Milleson Val.Milleson@asu.edu