Jane Maienschein specializes in the history and philosophy of biology and the way that biology, bioethics and biopolicy play out in society. Focusing on research in embryology, genetics, and cytology. Maienschein combines detailed analysis of the epistemological standards, theories, laboratory practices and experimental approaches with study of the people, institutions, and changing social, political and legal context in which science thrives. She leads research efforts at ASU and as a Fellow at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
For more publications and other contributions, visit Jane's Center for Biology and Society page.

Embryo Project
Embryo Project researchers pursue broad goals. They work to communicate with inclusive audiences about reproductive medicine, developmental biology, and embryology.

Marine Biological Laboratory Collaboration
The Center for Biology and Society at ASU has developed an ongoing collaboration with the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

James S. McDonnell Foundation Initiative
The James S. McDonnell Foundation initiative at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole facilitates collaborations between history and philosophy of science (HPS) researchers and life scientists with the aim of transforming the research of both fields through interactions and the co-production of knowledge.