Spring 2015 Biology & Society Defenses

Congratulations to all the Biology & Society students who defended their research in the Spring of 2015!


Marci Baranski

"The Wide Adaptation of Green Revolution Wheat"

Date of defense: January 22, 2015

Degree: PhD

Track: Biology (Biology & Society), Ecology, Economics, and Ethics of the Environment

Committee Members: Ann Kinzig (chair), Hallie EakinDaniel SarewitzJameson Wetmore, and Prem Narain Mathur

Read more about Baranski's research.

Erick Peirson

“Evolution under our feet: Anthony David Bradshaw (1926–2008) and the rise of ecological genetics”

Date of defense: April 13, 2015

Degree: PhD

Track: Biology (Biology & Society), History and Philosophy of Science

Committee Members: Manfred Laubichler (co-chair), Jane Maienschein (co-chair), James Collinsand Richard Creath

PhD Prospectus

Federica Turriziani Colonna

“Researching Marine Organisms at the Trieste Zoological Station (1875-1915)”

Date of defense: April 14, 2015

Track: History and Philosophy of Science

Committee Members: Jane Maienschein (co-chair), Manfred Laubichler (co-chair), Gerd Mueller (University of Vienna), Richard Creath, and Karin Ellison 

J.J. LaTourelle

“Violating the Vail of Ignorance, experiments in the cognitive foundations of moral status”

Date of defense: April 28, 2015

Track: History and Philosophy of Science

Committee Members: Jason Robert  (chair), Elly van Gelderen (co-chair), Richard CreathDavid Vaughn Becker, and Bernard Kobes

Paige Madison

"Making Sense of Fossils: Feldhofer, Taung, and LB1 as Pieces of Scientific Evidence"

Date of defense: April 30, 2015

Track: History and Philosophy of Science

Committee Members: Jane Maienschein (co-chair), Bill Kimbel (co-chair), Manfred LaubichlerRichard Creath, and Ben Hurlbut


Ashleigh Gonzales

"Development and Analysis of New 3D Tactile Materials for the Enhancement of STEM Education for the Blind and Visually Impaired"

Degree: MS

Committee Members: Page Baluch (chair), Jane Maienschein and Karin Ellison

Andrea Noziglia

“Flame retardant chemical contamination of seafood, ecologically sustainable fisheries, and significance for biodiversity conservation”

Date of defense: April 9, 2015

Degree: MS

Track: Ecology, Economics, and the Ethics of the Environment

Committee Members:  Leah Gerber (chair), Joshua Abbott, and Beth Polidoro

Chanapa Tantibanchachai

“Substance-Exposed Newborns in Arizona: An Analysis of Medically, Ethically and Legally Appropriate Federal and State Responses”

Date of defense: April 3, 2015

Degree: MS

Track: Bioethics, Policy, and Law

Committee Members: Jane Maienschein (co-chair), Karin Ellison (co-chair), and Cristi Coursen

Featured Undergraduates

Shayla Hubbard

“Differing Community Perceptions”

Date of Honors Defense: March 26, 2015

Degree: Biology and Society, BS

Committee Members: Eric Hekler and Christopher Wharton

Anika Larson

“Teaching Biology in a Maximum-Security Prison Unit: Feedback, Notes and Recommendations from a Pilot Class”

Date of Honors Defense: April 8, 2015

Degree: B.S. Biological Sciences (Biology and Society) (also graduating from Barrett and getting a B.A. in Global Studies from the School of Politics and Global Studies)

Committee Members: Tsafrir Leket-MorJoe Lockard, and Sara Brownell