PhD Candidate Kate MacCord at HSS
The HSS Poster Session: November 23, 2013
This year’s annual History of Science Society meeting, held in Boston, MA, included a single 3.5-hour poster session on Saturday afternoon. Thirteen participants showed-off their ability to communicate history of science through alternative media. Among the participants was PhD Candidate and Assistant Project Manager for the Center for Biology and Society, Kate MacCord.
Kate showcased her research on the history of the enamel knot, a transient cluster of cells that controls the growth and development of the tooth. Her work, amassed over a Fulbright year with the Jernvall Evolutionary Phenomics Laboratory at the University of Helsinki in Finland, met with great feedback and discussion from passing conference participants. The experience seemed fruitful for all participants as they got the chance to discuss their research and ideas in depth and detail not usually experienced within the confines of the traditional session presentations.
To download a copy of Kate’s poster, click here.