Editor at Slate Shares Science Communication Tips with CBS Graduate Students
Communicating science, along with its political and technological implications, to a public audience, is an emphasis of many CBS graduate students’ education.
On Wednesday, March 18, Torie Bosch, editor of Slate Magazine’s Future Tense, led a workshop in the Nexus lab in Coor Hall, on ASU’s Tempe Campus.
The workshop, called Future Tense Workshop: Digital Humanities Version, showed ASU graduate students and staff how to translate scholarly and academic concepts for a public audience.
Bosch discussed ways to improve writing voice and style for a public audience, and encouraged potential Future Tense writers to find vivid examples and news hooks to make their ideas tangible and relatable.
In addition to the workshop, Bosch met with CBS graduate students for lunch in the Center for Biology and Society on Friday, March 20th, wherein graduate students pitched their ideas for possible future tense articles.
Bosch’s advice, along with the potential to write for Slate, will help CBS students craft writing that communicate their research to a broader audience.
Future Tense is an online publication that explores emerging technologies and their transformative effects on culture, society, and public policy, marketed as the citizen’s guide to the future.
The magazine is a collaboration between ASU, Slate, and the New America Foundation.
More information: Paige Madison pamadiso@asu.edu