Congratulations to the Center for Biology and Society spring 2024 graduates!
The Center is proud to recognize our 2024 MS and PhD graduates whose diverse interests represent the intellectual breadth of Biology and Society at ASU. From contraception, to endanger species, to mental illness, to stigmatized identities, to great ape exhibits—our graduates do it all. And we congratulate them!
Spring Graduates
| Carly Busch, PhD Biology (Biology and Society) "Invisible role models: Concealable stigmatized identities in undergraduate science" Committee: Katelyn Cooper (Co-Chair); Sara Brownell (Co-Chair); James Collins; Yi Zheng |
| Olivia Davis, PhD Biology (Biology and Society) "Conserving Species in the United States Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)" Committee: Leah Gerber (Chair), Ben Minteer, Gwen Icona, Jake Li, and Katrina Vandenberg |
| James Dennert, PhD The History and Philosophy of Science "Mental Illness Is Illness Like Any Other: An Inquiry and Critique" Committee: Jason Robert (Co-Chair), Richard Creath (Co-Chair), Ben Phillips, Janet Neisewander and |
Ilani Higgins, MS Biology (Biology and Society) |
| Cassandra Lyon, PhD Biology (Biology and Society) "Displaying, Conserving, and Hoping to Understand: Conservation Messaging & Anthropomorphism in Zoo Great Apes Exhibits" Committee: Ben Minteer (Chair), Clive Wynne, Michael Schoon, Lily Maynard (external) |