Announcing the Global Classroom, Spring 2013
The Global Classroom Experiment
“Are ‘Sustainable Cities’ a Contradiction in Terms?”
The Global Classroom is a partnership between Arizona State University and Leuphana University in Lüneburg (Germany). The Center for Biology and Society and the School of Sustainability are participating in this exciting experiment that aims to develop a model for Liberal Arts Education.
Instructors and students from ASU and from Leuphana Univerisity work together for three semesters on the topic of “Sustainable Cities”. Exploration of the topic occurs on many different levels through the development of project, videos, articles, proposals and virtual exhibits for publication on the internet.
In Spring 2013, we discuss cities in relation to their sustainability. We learn what urbanists, philosophers, and sustainability scientists have claimed. In a second phase, we actively explore our cities. We produce videos and audio recordings, gather materials from historical archives and engage with local institutions both in Phoenix and in Lüneburg. Vidyo Technology (an ASU partner) and exchange visits make the collaboration possible. In Fall 2013, students from Leuphana travel to ASU and work with their peers on collaborative projects. In Spring 2014, ASU students go to Leuphana and finalize the product of their collaboration.
Students enroll for 6 hours of credit as HPS, BIO, SOS, or HON 494 in Spring 2013. Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 earn 3 credits. For Barrett students, all courses are available as upper division honors credit. Taking the set of courses as HPS (History and Philosophy of Science) will count as 12 of the 18 hours needed for an HPS Certificate – which could be completed by writing an honors thesis on an HPS related topic.
The lead faculty members from ASU are Manfred Laubichler, Armin Wiek, and Ben Minteer. Jane Maienschein will work with postdocs and graduate students to lead the project development.
An information meeting will be held for SOLS students on September 27 at 12am in LSC 226F.
For more information, please contact: Guido Caniglia (
To apply, download the application here: Application*
*Note: MAC users, do not use "Preview" to fill out the form electronically; you must use Acrobat.