Andrew Smith Receives Award for Excellence
Andrew Smith receives certificate
Simon Stuart, chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, gives Andrew Smith a citation of excellence in February 2012 at the recent SSC Chairs’ meeting in Abu Dhabi, for his past, and continuing, work as the chair of the Lagomorph Specialist Group. The Lagomorph Specialist Group is committed to the conservation and management of the 90 species of pikas, rabbits and hares. Andrew Smith’s research interests in mammalian populations have taken him to study the plateau pikas of the Tibetan plateau. His media alert about Lagomorphs on the SSC website as the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit was beginning in 2011, generated enormous interest in the story, as well as the plight of Lagomorphs. Congratulations, Dr. Smith, for a well-deserved award!
Tibetan plateau pikas
Pygmy Rabbit