NEH Summer Institute

NEH Summer Institute


NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene higher education faculty from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching.

We have designed this Summer Institute to maximize the potential for 25 community college and university professors in the Humanities to enhance their capacity and confidence to design and deliver high-caliber, engaging, learner-centered educational opportunities to their students, focused on bioengineering, as a means of exploring and, indeed, shaping our SHARED (Science, Humanities, Arts, Research Ethics, and Deliberation) future.

The weekday curriculum (Monday through Friday) will typically be structured around two seminar-style sessions: 9:00–11:30am and 1:00–3:30pm. Every afternoon, seminar rooms will be available for participants to work individually or in small groups to develop or refine their own independent or collaborative curricular materials. Participants will present these to the entire group prior to the conclusion of the Institute. Reading load will typically be approximately 100 pages/week. Core readings will be made available to participants either online or in print.

Weekends will largely be left open for participants to explore the Tempe area, and Arizona more broadly. Several informal, optional gatherings will be planned around town for participants to attend through the course of the Institute.