- Isabella Bernat, MS (Biology and Society)
"Respect and Dignity in Wildlife Rehabilitation" - Sanghamitra Das, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"Ordering Subaltern Disorders: Embodiment, Biocapital and the Politics of Sickle Cell Management in India" - Elizabeth Dietz, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"No Choice but to Choose: The Technopolitics of Informed Consent" - Anna Guerrero, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"Images and the Development of the Microbial Biofilm Concept" - Levi Helm, PhD (Biology and Society), concentration in Ecology, Economics and Ethics
"The Land-Use Impacts of Plastic Alternatives" - Michael Mihuc, MS (Biology and Society)
"Identity Development During Adolescence in Individuals with Pectus Excavatum" - Raegan Mills, MS (Biology and Society)
“Cripping Trans Childhood: A Critical Examination into the Legislating of the Trans Child” - Taya Misheva, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"Accepting and Understanding Evolution: The Development and Evaluation of Measurement Tools in Evolution Education" - Erin Murphy, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"Ecological, Economic, and Social Dimensions of Marine Plastic Pollution and Marine Plastic Pollution Interventions" - Katherine Poe, MS (Biology and Society), graduate certificate in Public Policy
"Testing the benefit of agroforestry as a solution for Red Listed bird conservation in the Peruvian Amazon" - Gabriella Rich, MS (Biology and Society)
"Anglers Turned Bounty Hunters - Ethics and Effectiveness of the Lees Ferry Brown Trout Incentivized Harvest and Other Fish Bounties in the U.S." - Nathaniel Ross, MS (Biology and Society)
"Changes in American Judicial Behavior in Disability Discrimination Cases in Response to Anti-Discrimination Legislation" - Katie Surrey, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
"The Biosocial Ecosystem Dynamics of Sustainable Wildlife Based Ecotourism in Panama" -
Dina Ziganshina Lienhard, PhD Biology (Biology and Society)
“Reducing Abortion Rates without Restricting Legal Access to Abortion: Evidence from Comparative Analysis of Relevant Policies and Demographic Indicators in 15 Post-Soviet Countries and Adaptive Agent-Based Modeling of Unintended Pregnancies"