- Wesley H. Anderson, PhD, History and Philosophy of Science
"Advancing the Causal Theory of Natural Selection" - Badingquiying, PhD Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) as a Substainable Component of Alpine Grassland Ecosystem, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China" - Guido Caniglia, PhD Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"Investigating Wasp Societies A Historical and Epistemological Study" - Rachel Gur-Arie, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"In Support of Mandatory Influcenza Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel" - Erica O'Neil, PhD Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"Fetal Risk, Federal Response: How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Influenced the Adoption of Alcohol Health Warning Labels" - Valerie Racine, PhD, History and Philosophy of Science
"Beyond Reductionism and Emergence: A Study of the Epistemic Practices in Gene Expression Research" - Nevada Wagoner, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"Exploring Practices and Perceptions on the Use of Primary Scientific Literature in Undergraduate Education" - Bianca E. Zietal, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
"The Genesis of Premenstrual Syndrome" - Yawen Zou, PhD, History and Philosophy of Science
"Studying the History of Systems Biology Using a Computational Approach: From Systems to Biology, 1992-2013"