2011 Graduates

  • David J. Calverley, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology &Society
    "Analytic Functionalism as a Foundation for the Contention that a Non-Biological Machine (Android) can be Viewed as Both a Legal and a Moral Person"
    Advisor: Brad Armendt
    Committee: Andrew Askland and Joan McGregor
  • Cecilia Gonzalez-Paredes
  • Byunghun Hyun, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology &Society
    "A Contextual Understanding of the definition of Science in South Korea"
    Advisor: Ben Hurlbut
  • Cera Lawrence, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "The "History and Nature of Science" in the Era of Standards-Based Reform"
    Advisor: Jane Maienschein
    Committee: Julie Luft and Paul LePore
  • Valerye Milleson
  • Anjali Moorthy, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "Transnational Commercial Gestational Surrogacy: Cultural Constructions of Motherhood and their Role in the Development of National Indian Guidelines "
    Advisor: Jason Robert
    Committee: Karin Ellison and Ben Hurlbut
  • Stephen Charles Ruffenach, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "Global Bioethics: A Descriptive Analysis of the Function of Bioethics in Health and Medicine on a Global Scale"
    Advisor: Jason Robert
    Committee: Daniel Hruschka and Jane Maienschein
  • Johnny M. Winston, PhD Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "Science, Practice, and Policy: The Committee on Rare and Endangered Wildlife Species and the Development of the U.S. Endangered Species Policy, 1956-1973"
    Advisor: Andrew Hamilton
    Committee: Jane Maienschein, Pamela Henson, James Collins, Ben Minteer
