2010 Graduates

  • Darily Ebert, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "The Role Model Effect on Gender Equity: How are Female College Students Influenced by Female Teaching Assistants in Science?"
    Advisor: Anton Lawson
    Committee: Julie Mustard and Jane Maienschein
  • Katherine Liu, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "The Role of Evo Devo in Translational Medicine"
    Advisor: Jason Robert
    Committee: Manfred Laubichler and Brian Hall
  • Ryan Meyer, PhD in Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "Producing Environmental Knowledge: Ecology, Research Priorities, and Policy"
    Advisor: Daniel Sarewitz
    Committee: Elizabeth Corley, Ann Kinzig, Clark Miller, and Andrew Smith
  • Nicole Newkirk, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "The Vision Care Professions: Optometry and Ophthalmology, 1860-1920"
    Advisor: Karin Ellison
    Committee: Rick Creath and Jane Maienschein
  • Felicity Snyder, MNS Biology
    "Open Access Publishing and the Embryo Project"
    Advisor: Ben Minteer
    Committee: Manfred Laubichler and Kathleen Pigg
  • Angela Strobel, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "Neuropathological Features of the Human Hypothalamic Hamartoma"
    Advisor: Jane Maienschein
    Committee: John Kerrigan and Manfred Laubichler
  • Karen Wellner, MS Biology, Concentration in Biology & Society
    "From Fertilization to Birth: Representing Development in High School Biology Textbooks"
    Advisor: Jane Maienschein